Remedial Message Leopold

Can Remedial Massage Therapy Help My Headache?

Remedial massage can be effective in relieving headaches for some individuals, especially if the headaches are caused or exacerbated by muscle tension, stress, or poor posture. Here’s how remedial massage might help with headaches:

  1. Muscle Tension Relief: If your headaches are caused by tense muscles in the neck, shoulders, or head, remedial massage can help relax these muscles, reducing tension and alleviating pain.
  2. Improved Blood Circulation: Massage can promote better blood circulation, which can help in reducing headaches caused by poor circulation or vascular issues.
  3. Stress Reduction: Stress is a common trigger for headaches. Massage can promote relaxation and reduce stress hormones, potentially lessening the frequency and intensity of headaches.
  4. Posture Improvement: If your headaches are related to poor posture, remedial massage can help correct imbalances in the muscles and improve posture, reducing strain on the neck and head.
  5. Trigger Point Therapy: Remedial massage therapists often use trigger point therapy to release specific points in muscles that may be causing referred pain, including headaches.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of remedial massage for headaches can vary from person to person. While it can provide relief for many individuals, it may not work for everyone. If you have chronic or severe headaches, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional, such as your GP or Osteopath, to determine the underlying cause of your headaches and to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that may include remedial massage therapy as one component.

Pins and Needles?

Why do I have tingling in my hands?

Hand numbness can be caused by damage, irritation, or compression of one of the nerves or a branch of one of the nerves in your arm and wrist.

Diseases affecting the peripheral nerves, such as diabetes, also can cause numbness, although with diabetes, similar symptoms usually occur first in your feet.

Uncommonly, numbness may be caused by problems in your brain or spinal cord, although in such cases arm or hand weakness or loss of function also occurs.

‘Pins and needles’ (paresthesia) is a sensation of uncomfortable tingling, prickling, itching or skin crawling, usually felt in the hands or feet. The affected area is sometimes said to have ‘fallen asleep’.

A common cause of pins and needles is leaning or lying awkwardly on an arm or leg, which either presses against the nerves or reduces the blood supply to the local area. Changing position usually quickly restores normal feeling as the nerves start sending messages to the brain and spinal cord again.

Symptoms of pins and needles

Common features of pins and needles include:

  • prickling and tingling sensation
  • numbness
  • return of normal feeling a few minutes after changing position.

Hands, arms, legs and feet are the parts of the body most commonly affected.

Pressure-related pins and needles
The nerves of the body send information back to the brain and spinal cord. When a sensory nerve is pressed by being in a cramped or awkward position the messages are interrupted, which can cause pins and needles.

Once pressure is taken off the nerve, functioning resumes. An uncomfortable prickling sensation is caused by the restarting of pain messages from nerves to the brain. This usually resolves within minutes. An example of this is when you hit your elbow and feel a tingling sensation in your little finger.

Pinched nerves and pins and needles

Nerves can be compressed or ‘pinched’ by bones and other tissue. Some examples include:

Carpal tunnel syndrome – the main nerve that services the hand runs through a ring of wrist bones. Inflamed and swollen tendon membranes reduce the amount of room inside the wrist and irritate or compress the nerve. Symptoms include pins and needles, pain and weakness in the hand.

Cervical nerve root irritation – nerves in the neck exit the spinal cord via small holes between the vertebrae. These small holes can be narrowed by inflammation, injury or outgrowths of bone tissue (bone spurs). The nerves are irritated or compressed, causing pins and needles and, sometimes, referred pain into the arms

Sciatica – the legs and feet are serviced by the sciatic nerve, which starts between the vertebrae of the lower back. This nerve can be irritated or compressed due to problems in the lower back or pelvic or buttock area causing pins and needles, and sometimes pain, down the legs.

When to seek medical advice for pins and needles

The occasional bout of pins and needles is a harmless event. However, chronic pins and needles can be a warning of some other underlying disorder.

Always see your doctor if you experience frequent or persistent bouts of pins and needles.

Treatment for pins and needles

Treatment depends on the cause. For example, carpal tunnel syndrome may be treated with rest, splinting and medications such as anti-inflammatory and diuretic medications.

A compressed or irritated nerve may require treatment such as osteopathy, medication or (in some cases) surgery to ease the pressure and allow full nerve functioning to resume.

Ouch! Neck pain – Should you see a Myotherapist?

Neck pain and Myotherapy

Are you experiencing neck aches or pain and struggling to find something to help? There can be multiple reasons why your neck is giving you discomfort, from Osteoarthritis, joint aggravations, previous injuries that may still be affecting you and more.

How can Myotherapy Help?

Myotherapy can have multiple benefits for neck pain, helping you get on top of your symptoms in different ways. One of which is treatment, which can include soft tissue massage, dry needling, cupping, myofascial release, joint mobilisation and stretching. Education on some strengthening exercises, stretches, as well as some mobility exercises in combination with treatment, can have a positive effect on your nervous system, as well as your musculoskeletal system to reduce your pain levels and get you back to feeling good and doing the things you enjoy.

What is involved in a Myotherapy appointment?

At the start of a Myotherapy appointment, your Myotherapist will go through a health history to make sure treatment is safe and to establish what things may be aggravating your neck pain. Next your Myotherapist will go through an assessment involving range of motion and some tests to try and understand exactly what is going on in your neck that is causing your aches and pains. Then based on the assessment, your Myotherapist will make a treatment plan to best target what is causing your discomfort, including giving you some stretches, strengthening exercises or mobility exercises to do at home.

What can I do at home for my neck pain?

Exercise regularly – Keeping movement through your neck is generally a great way to try and avoid neck pain and help it from getting worse. Regularly stretching your neck and shoulder muscles can also have a positive effect on your pain.

Consider your posture – Necks generally don’t like being in one position for too long, whether that be that you’re stuck at your desk for too long, or spending too long looking down at your phone or laptop. It is important to take regular breaks and move around.

Getting enough sleep – Not just the position you sleep in can affect your neck discomfort, but also how much sleep you get and the quality. Muscles like everything else need a good nights sleep to recover from the day before, but also to adapt to any positive changes you may be trying to make, such as strengthening your neck and shoulders.

Pain management – You can also try other forms of pain management such as heat packs, stretches and self massage to the muscles of your neck.

If you or someone you know is suffering with neck pain, feel free to contact us or make an appointment to learn more about what is causing your pain, and how best to over come it.